From Sarah Jolie Travel Blogger

meet SARAH


Hey there! I’m Sarah. Welcome to my humble corner of the internet 💗 So happy you made it 🙂

My personal philosophy is to live deeply and fully.

So… what does that mean exactly?

I don’t have a concrete answer for you, but it includes trying new things, feeling uncomfortable, and absorbing as much knowledge as possible. It also means learning more about the world, others, and myself.

I initially started this blog to share about my travels, but it’s grown into much more than that. In the quest for more life, I’ve decided to document all my experiences on this lovely journey of personal growth! So here you’ll find all my notes on travel, wellness, and productivity.

So, grab a cup of coffee (or tea, if that’s more your thing), kick back, and let’s explore life together.

Get to know me!


Upon graduating college in 2020, I landed my first big girl job in tech. After all the years of studying, recruiting, and networking, it was a dream come true…! Or, so I had thought.

Within a few months, my life felt like it was just passing me by. Get up, hop on the computer, work, make dinner, watch TV, sleep. Repeat. I hit a breaking point and finally realized that despite the luxuries that working a 9-5 in tech afforded me, I didn’t feel fulfilled. I’m not going to say money can’t buy happiness, but it sure didn’t fight off the sadness.

I took some time to reflect on all the moments in my life I felt true bliss and a pattern emerged. I simply felt the happiest when three things happened: I developed connections, experienced something new, or learned something interesting.

So chasing life’s blissful moments has now become my new priority. And I’m capturing it here with you so hopefully you can find bliss too. 🙂

P.S. Here’s a team photo of me and my editor, Milo. He’s bossy but helps me get work done.

From Sarah Jolie Travel Blogger

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