How to Conquer Your Fear of Being a Content Creator

If you want to be a content creator but you’re scared of being judged… this post is FOR YOU. This is how to conquer your fear of being a content creator!

fear of being a content creator

I’ve been there. Like, really been there. For as long as I can remember, I’ve wanted to be a content creator. I dreamed of doing YouTube when I was younger and even tried (and quit) MULTIPLE times over the past 10 years. Every time, I stopped before I really got started. I would make one video, have a panic attack clicking the post button (because I was so scared someone would find it), finally post it, and then never touch it again.

I was so afraid of being seen, judged, or found out by people I knew. Living in fear of what others would think, I was worried I looked silly, cringey, or like I was trying too hard. I felt inadequate, thinking thoughts like “who was I to think I could be a content creator?” And for the longest time, I let this put my dreams on hold, hoping that one day, I’d just get over it and start.

But here’s the thing: the fear doesn’t just magically disappear. It doesn’t just go away because you reach a certain milestone in life. You won’t just wake up one day and feel ready to do it. You have to decide that you’re going to conquer it, and that’s what I did.

The way I finally started getting comfortable with making content and showing my face online? EXPOSURE THERAPY. If you haven’t heard of it, exposure therapy is facing your fear little by little until it loses its power over you. I actually made a whole series about it on YouTube – go check it out 🙂

So if you’re stuck in the same cycle, here’s exactly how I did it—and how YOU can, too. THIS IS YOUR YEAR TO GET AFTER YOUR DREAMS! Don’t let the fear of being seen hold you back from the life you want and deserve.

This post is all about conquering your fear of being a content creator and FINALLY starting!


Step 1: Create a secret account as your safe space

If you want to conquer your fear of being a content creator, you first need a safe space. Start a brand-new social media account for whatever platform you want to start posting on. If you’re scared that people you know are going to judge you and see you, then you want to create a safe space for you to just practice going through the motions of creating content.

One of my biggest tips for this is DO NOT link it to your personal accounts and DO NOT follow yourself! The reason this is so important is that platforms will suggest your new account to people who follow your other personal account. If you want to keep this completely private, then do not make it easy for people to find you.

Keep it quiet for as long as you need—this is your private little corner of the internet. The goal is to post without the fear of friends, family, people from high school, your job, etc finding you. Let strangers be your audience at first; it’s SO freeing! Seriously!!

fear of being a content creator

Step 2: Post consistently (even when it’s not perfect)

This is where the exposure therapy starts! It’s all about getting in the reps. Set a posting schedule and STICK TO IT, even if your content isn’t perfect. The goal isn’t about perfection, it’s about progress. You will never be able to just plan the perfect first video, photo, post, etc without actually DOING IT! Realize that you are a beginner and the more you do it, the better you’ll become. With every post, you’ll start feeling more and more confident as you gain the skills! REPETITION IS KEY.

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Step 3: Find your people


Let me say that again. COMMUNITY > EVERYTHING.

Start networking and reaching out to creators you like! DM people who are in the same stage as you so you can keep each other accountable and learn from each other. Community is SO important… it literally changed the game for me. By connecting with other creators, you’ll start to realize that all these fears and growing pains are simply part of the journey. It’ll keep you motivated to keep going because you start to see all these struggles as the norm! Everyone, even the biggest influencers and content creators had to start somewhere. So start creating that community! Feel free to even shoot me an email or connect with me via Instagram – [email protected] or @fromsarahjolie on Insta.

fear of being a content creator

Step 4: Slowly share with your personal circle

When you feel ready, start telling people in your personal community. Start with the people you think would be the most supportive FIRST. Be very selective because you want to make sure you have positive experiences first! It would hurt a lot to have the first person you tell judge you and make you not want to tell anyone else.

For me, I started with my boyfriend (who was seeing me working on it anyway). For a few months, I wouldn’t actually let him read or watch my content though LOL. Then it took about three months to tell my closest friends. Now I’m more open about it, but guess what? I still haven’t posted about it on my personal Instagram—and that’s okay! You don’t owe anyone an announcement. Do what feels right for YOU.

At the end of the day, content creation is about expressing yourself and sharing your voice. Not everyone will get it, and that’s fine. The right people will find you, and you’ll find your community.

This year is YOUR year to start. No more waiting. No more letting fear win. YOU’VE GOT THIS!!

This post was all about how to conquer your fear of being a content creator.