179 Fun Questions to Ask Someone: Get to Know Your Friends!
Need some easy conversation starters? This is the ULTIMATE list of fun questions to ask anyone: your friends, family, partner, or even strangers!

I’ll admit it – I love yapping. Whether we’re talking about food, TV shows, love, or life’s challenges, conversations are the lifeblood of our relationships. They are my favorite way to spend an afternoon with a best friend or family member!
But as GOOD of a yapper I am 😉 , there are infinite topics that I’ve barely scratched the surface of with friends! Have you ever had a time someone close to you said something and you realized you didn’t know this part of their lore yet? Like you just stumbled across a different era of their life that you never talked about? This has happened to me so many times! So, with that being said – I wanted to create a comprehensive list of fun questions to ask anyone. These include every kind of conversation starter: funny questions, icebreaker questions, juicy questions, deep questions… you name it!
Whether you’re talking to a family member, new friends, or your significant other – these questions will be SURE to spark laughter, introspection, and so many exciting revelations! Good questions are a great way to unlock connections and open up deeper conversation. I LOVE discovering new layers of people I care about and getting to know them on a deeper level – hopefully these questions will help you do the same! No one-word answers!!
This is the ultimate list of fun questions to ask anyone.
Disclaimer: This post may contain affiliate links, meaning I earn a small commission if you purchase through them at no extra cost to you. All opinions are genuinely mine.
I LOVE talking about random scenarios… It’s a fun way to spark your imagination and dive into some creative conversations!! These fun hypothetical scenarios are PERFECT for stretching your mind and adding a lil twist to your usual chats. They are some of the most fun questions to ask when you want to keep things light and imaginative!
#1. Pretend you could snap your fingers and create any one food every time. What would that food be?
#2. If you had the power to create a new holiday, what would it be?
#3. If you could have dinner with any famous person, dead or alive, who would it be?
#4. Do you think you’d survive a zombie apocalypse? What’s the first thing you would do?
#5. If you could live in outer space, would you do it?
#6. Out of everyone you know, who would be the most likely to survive an apocalypse?
#7. What would you do if you woke up with no memory of who you are?
#8. If you could have a never-ending supply of one item for the rest of your life, what would you choose?
#9. Imagine you could speak ANY language fluently—how would you use this?
#10. Would you rather age backwards at a normal pace, or age forward at twice the speed?
#11. If you could switch lives with anyone for a day, who would it be?
#12. What would you do if you woke up in the future?
#13. If you could have any superpower, what would it be?
#14. Say you could be invisible for a day—what would you do?
#15. If you could time travel, where and when would you go?
#16. Do you want to know when you’ll die?
#17. If you could be any character from a book, who would you choose?
#18. Would you rather have 10 more years that are the best years of your life, or live 30 more years that are just good?
#19. Who would you trade lives with for a day?
#20. If you could watch one moment in your past, what would you choose?
Our family and friends make up such a big part of our lives! With these fun questions to ask, you’ll uncover so many new stories about someone, laugh at old memories, and deepen your connections. Definitely try some of these out!
#21. If something came up at 1am, who in your family or circle would you call first?
#22. What’s the weirdest thing a friend has convinced you to do (or you convinced a friend to do)?
#23. If you could choose any fictional character as a family member, who would it be?
#24. Which friend do you think has had the best influence on your life? The worst?
#25. Describe your closest friends. Why do you think you click so well?
#26. In a friend, which qualities do you value most?
#27. Are there any pet peeves you have when it comes to friendships?
#28. Do you want to have your own family? If so, what would you want it to look like?
#29. What’s the weirdest family tradition you have?
#30. What’s your favorite family tradition?
#31. If you wanted to move to a new country, which one of your friends is most likely to go with you?
#32. What’s the most valuable lesson you learned from your family or friends?
#33. What’s the most adventurous thing you’ve done with a friend?
#34. What’s the best or funniest gift you’ve received from a friend?
#35. Who do you have the most inside jokes with?
#36. Who in your family or circle of friends can you always rely on to be spontaneous with you?
#37. What’s your favorite memory with your family?
#38. In terms of personality, who in your family do you resemble most?
#39. What’s the funniest thing a friend or family member has ever done?
#40. What’s a secret you’ve hidden from people that you later revealed?
#41. What’s your favorite memory with friends?
#42. What’s the most random act of kindness you’ve ever received?
#43. If you had to spend the rest of your life with only one person, who would it be?
OOH lala. Ready to get some JUICY QUESTIONS answered? This section is ALL about love and relationships!
#44. What’s the best date you’ve ever been on?
#45. What’s your love language and how do you express it?
#46. What’s the craziest thing you’ve ever done for love?
#47. How do you maintain strong relationships?
#48. What’s the most important quality you look for?
#49. What’s the worst date you’ve ever been on?
#50. What’s the most romantic thing someone has ever done for you?
#51. Describe your first kiss: who/when/where/how?
#52. Who was your first crush?
#53. Tell me an embarrassing moment that you’ve experienced on a date.
#54. How much do you value physical intimacy in a relationship?
#55. Who’s your celebrity crush?
#56. What was a past relationship that you learned a lot from?
#57. Describe the characteristics of a strong relationship.
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#58. Is there a question you’re too nervous to ask your partner?
#59. If you could rewrite the ending of your last relationship, would you? How?
#60. What’s the craziest thing someone has done to show they liked you?
#61. List your top 10 relationship nonnegotiables.
#62. What do you define as cheating?
#63. What’s the most spontaneous thing you’ve ever done in the name of love?
Revisiting the past can be so heartwarming and HILARIOUS! These fun questions to ask about nostalgia and childhood will take you back. Stir up fond memories of your favorite toys and silly beliefs… such a great way to bond over being a kid!
#64. What’s your favorite childhood memory?
#65. Which movie from your childhood brings you the most nostalgia?
#66. As a kid, what was your favorite cartoon character?
#67. Which toys were your favorites growing up?
#68. Looking back, what was the best thing about your childhood?
#69. Is there anything you’re glad you outgrew as a kid (what do you NOT miss)?
#70. What’s the first movie you remember watching?
#71. What’s the most embarrassing thing that happened to you in high school?
#72. What’s the weirdest thing you believed as a kid?
#73. Did you believe in any mythical creatures that you don’t now?
#74. What’s your favorite subject in school and why?
#75. What’s your favorite thing about your younger self?
#76. What’s the most recent time you did something for the last time?
#77. If you could go back in time and talk to your younger self, what’s the best piece of advice you could give yourself?
#78. What’s the first thing you remember/memory you have?
#79. Did you have a favorite teacher growing up?
#80. Did you have an imaginary friend?
This section is ALL about food and drink questions… Honestly, my partner and I have gone through SO many of these questions at the dinner table LOL. So fun to do while actually eating a meal!
#81. Do you have any traditions around food?
#82. What’s your favorite food and why?
#83. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever eaten?
#84. What’s your go-to comfort food?
#85. What’s the best meal you’ve ever had?
#86. If you could only eat one food for the rest of your life, what would it be?
#87. What would you choose for the perfect picnic?
#88. What’s your favorite drink to order at a bar?
#89. What’s your favorite nonalcoholic drink?
#90. What’s the most unique dish you’ve ever tried?
#91. Tell me about a meal you found surprisingly yummy, even if you initially didn’t expect to like it.
#92. Who makes the best homemade meals?
#93. What was a meal that BLEW your mind?
#94. What’s your favorite way to enjoy a meal – eating out, food at home, or takeout?
#95. What’s your favorite family recipe? Which one reminds you of home?
#96. Where do you eat most of your meals? (ie. at the dinner table, on the couch, to-go).
#97. Tell me about your favorite restaurants per price range ($, $$, $$$)!
If you love talking about movies, TV, music, and more – these questions are for you!! Whether you’re debating the BEST superhero or sharing your fav binge-worthy series, you’ll def have fun talking through these conversation starters!
#98. Imagine you’re a character in a movie—who are you? Would the story change with you in it?
#99. What’s your favorite TV show of all time?
#100. If you could live in the world of any TV show, which one would it be?
#101. What’s the best movie you’ve ever watched?
#102. If you could only listen to one song for the rest of your life, what would it be?
#103. What’s your favorite song to listen to when you’re happy?
#104. What’s your go-to sad song?
#105. Say you were to make your own TV show—what would it be about?
#106. What’s your favorite book and why?
#107. What’s the last book you’ve read? Would you recommend it?
#108. If you had to choose a video game to live in, which would it be?
#109. What’s the funniest joke you know by heart?
#110. What’s your favorite way to use social media?
#111. Tell me about a movie you’ve watched that’s left you thinking about it for DAYS afterward.
#112. What’s your favorite genre of movie/show?
Dreaming about the future is soo exciting (but maybe that’s bc I’m a super future looking person)! These fun questions to ask will help you explore what’s next for someone. They’ll all about setting goals and dreaming big.
#113. What’s on your bucket list for the next year?
#114. Where do you see yourself in five years?
#115. You’re being interviewed for an award you’ve won in the future—what would the award be for?
#116. Is there a dream or goal you’ve had since you were little that you’re still pursuing?
#117. If you could snap your fingers and master ANY skill, what would you choose?
#118. What’s your dream job?
#119. If you were guaranteed to be paid $500k yearly to do ANYTHING (doesn’t have to be a traditional career)—what would it be?
#120. Where do you see yourself settling down?
#121. If you could travel anywhere in the world for free, where would you go?
#122. What’s the biggest risk you’ve ever taken?
#123. If you could accomplish ANYTHING guaranteed, what would it be?
#124. What’s something you’ve always wanted to try but never had the chance to?
#125. Imagine your life as a movie—what would the title be and what genre?
#126. Who would play your role in a movie about you?
#127. If you could invent something that doesn’t exist, what would it be?
#128. What would you ask your future self?
#129. Is there something you’re really looking forward to?
#130. What would you want to see in your life 20 years from now?
Everyone loves a good superlative, and these questions are a FANTASTIC way to get to know more about what really makes people tick. You’ll definitely uncover some hot takes here!
#131. Do you have a favorite holiday? Why?
#132. What do you think is the best way to spend a weekend?
#133. What’s the best place for a date?
#134. Describe the most awkward situation you’ve ever been in and how you handled it.
#135. What’s your favorite romantic movie?
#136. What’s the best gift you’ve ever received?
#137. Tell me about the worst job you’ve ever had! What did you learn?
#138. What’s your favorite song to dance to?
#139. What’s your favorite board game? Video game?
#140. What would you say was the best birthday gift you’ve ever received or given?
#141. Think back to the worst movie you’ve ever seen—why was it so bad?
#142. Do you have a favorite YouTube channel?
#143. What was the best concert you’ve been to?
#144. What’s your favorite meme? Why?
#145. What’s your favorite animal?
#146. Describe the BEST vacation you’ve ever taken and why.
#147. Has there been a compliment you’ve received that has stayed with you over time?
Sometimes, the best conversations are ones that REALLY make you think. These thought-provoking questions will help you dive into meaningful discussions about life, values, and personal growth. So good for when you want to go below the surface and really connect!
#148. What’s a deep question you’ve always wanted to ask someone but never did?
#149. In what ways do you think your experiences have shaped your understanding of happiness, success, and fulfillment?
#150. Is there something you want to change about yourself? What would happen if you did?
#151. What do you think is the meaning of life?
#152. Tell me about your biggest fear… What makes it so scary?
#153. If you could change one thing about the world, what would it be?
#154. What’s a learning you’ve had recently that made you see the world differently?
#155. What’s the biggest lesson life has taught you so far?
#156. What’s the most challenging thing you’ve ever done?
#157. What’s the most rewarding thing you’ve ever done?
#158. Is there something you’ve wanted to understand better about yourself?
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#159. What do you think is the purpose of life? Has your perspective changed over time?
#160. What personal values matter most to you?
#161. How do you cope with uncertainty in life—what strategies do you use to stay grounded?
#162. Do you feel like there’s something people initially misunderstand about you?
#163. What part of your life defines you the most?
#164. What’s a dream or goal you’ve had that you’ve never shared with anyone? Why have you kept it private?
This last section is just for laughs and keeping things light! Perfect for keeping the conversation happy and easy.
#165. What do you use the notes app on your phone for?
#166. Are there any words you absolutely hate?
#167. What’s your favorite word?
#168. Describe the weirdest dream you’ve ever had!
#169. If you could trade places with your favorite superhero, would you?
#170. What’s the funniest thing that’s ever happened to you?
#171. Say you had to spend $1,000,000 in 5 minutes. How would you do it?
#172. What’s the most random question someone has ever asked you?
#173. What’s the weirdest thing you’ve ever googled?
#174. Is there a conspiracy theory you could believe?
#175. What’s the best prank you’ve ever pulled on someone?
#176. Tell me about the most ridiculous fashion trend you’ve ever followed.
#177. What’s the silliest thing you believed as a kid?
#178. What’s the most embarrassing thing that’s ever happened to you?
#179. Do you have any unusual talents that most people don’t know about?
This post was all the best fun questions to ask!
Save this list and pull it out whenever you get stuck in awkward silences 🙂