27 Simple Self-Care Ideas to Care for Your Health

Feeling stressed, exhausted, and frankly just need a break? These are the best self-care ideas to help you rejuvenate.

Self-Care Ideas

The past few years have not been an easy time for all of us. A global lockdown, the economy going haywire… life has definitely been quite stressful.

And if you think it’s just you… it’s not! According to the American Psychological Association, Americans anticipated higher stress and grade their mental health worse at the start of 2023. Alongside that, Google trends have shown that the number of searches for “self-care” has nearly quadrupled since 2018. QUADRUPLED!! That’s a hell of a lot of searches.

So yes, enter self-care. In a world of increasing stressors, finding self-care ideas you can rely on is crucial.

What exactly is self-care? It’s not only bath bombs, bubble baths, and scented candles. The definition of self-care according to the World Health Organization is “the ability of individuals, families, and communities to promote health, prevent disease, maintain health, and cope with illness and disability with or without the support of a health worker.”

Phew, that’s a long definition. In short, self-care is the very practice of taking care of your health in aspects – physical, emotional/mental, and social.

The list below has self-care ideas split into these four arenas: mental health, physical health, social health, and emotional health. With that being said, I fully believe that these areas are so intertwined that most of these self-care ideas will cater to more than one. So highly recommend you read through all of them and take what you need 🙂

This post is all about the best self-care ideas.


physical self-care

#1. Go outside and be in nature.

Take a long walk with your dog, go on a bike ride, or sit in your backyard and breathe in the fresh air. Being outside (even for a little bit) has literally been proven to make you a healthier and happier person. It can lower your blood pressure, reduce stress, improve mood and focus, and even help you heal quicker!

#2. Move your body daily.

In any way that feels good! Don’t force yourself to adhere to a strict gym routine if that’s not for you. Find fun ways to be active, whether that’s simply blasting music and dancing or going to a workout class. The most important thing is that you actually enjoy the exercise you’re getting – that’s the best type of self-care.

#3. Be intentional about your skincare.

Your skin is literally your largest organ – so take good care of it. Spending time to discover products that work for your skin is something you won’t regret. If you don’t have a skincare routine down, don’t worry. Just start with small steps and learn more about what your skin needs.

#4. Pamper yourself with a face mask and bubble bath.

OKAY yes, I know, this is the most basic self-care idea there is out there. But, for good reason. I mean it feels incredible to unwind in a hot bath, letting the warm water hug you while the tension in your muscles just floats away.

#5. Take a steamy, hot shower.

If baths aren’t your thing, get in the shower! The best thing after a long day is the feeling of water washing away all your troubles.

#6. Improve your sleep hygiene.

Sleep is such a crucial part of our lives, but many of us neglect it, especially during times of high stress. Per the National Institutes of Health, sleep affects your heart, circulatory system, hormones, metabolism, and so much more! So, prioritize taking care of yourself and get a good night’s sleep by establishing consistent bedtimes and wake-up times. Also highly recommend the SleepCycle app to help you track your sleep and get sleep insights.

#7. Take a nap.

Okay so maybe you didn’t get a good night’s rest – that’s ok! Listen to your body and take a nap. Sleep is your friend.

#8. Develop a healthy diet.

Healthy eating is the ultimate way to take care of your body. Food is fuel and your body deserves to eat well! Developing a balanced and nutritious diet supports your day-to-day activities and helps promote your well-being. Find healthy food you enjoy and incorporate them into your diet – don’t force yourself to eat food you hate!

#9. Cultivate a strong and good relationship with food.

In a diet-heavy culture, it can be super difficult to have a good relationship with food. We’ve been socialized to label foods as “good” or “bad” foods and yo-yo diets are a dime a dozen. Food is such a big part of our lives that having a bad relationship with it can be so taxing! Give yourself unconditional permission to eat the foods you enjoy. Learn to listen to what your body needs and eat when you’re hungry. Developing a strong relationship with food is a form of self-care because it allows you to connect with your body and be kind to yourself.

#10. Make something new and delicious to eat.

Food is so much more than just fuel. It can bring us so much pleasure and joy. Find a new recipe, gather your ingredients, and take some time to cook. Cooking is a beautiful art that encourages patience, mindfulness, and creativity.

#11. Try deep breathing.

In tough times and high stress, deep breathing can actually work to lower your heart rate and blood pressure. Oftentimes, these are the physical sensations of anxiety, so alleviating them can help you relax and calm down.


mental self-care

#12. Establish a morning routine.

Having a daily routine you’re excited to wake up to is the best way to start the day. It’s scientifically backed that morning routines can greatly improve your energy levels and productivity for the rest of the day. Building one doesn’t have to be complicated either. It could be as simple as waking up, making a cup of coffee, and writing down your intentions for the day.

#13. Write a brain dump to-do list.

A lot of the time, what’s stressing me the most out is having 873498234 things on my mind and never being able to remember any of them. Free up your brain’s hard drive and spend some time creating a huge brain dump of to-dos. These to-dos don’t have to be done the day you put them down on paper either – they can just be a running list of everything you want to do in the future. The purpose is just to store these thoughts elsewhere so your mind can be less burdened 🙂

#14. Declutter your physical environment.

Your environment has such a strong impact on your daily life. A messy living space can often reflect a messy mind. Take some time to throw away trash and donate any items that you don’t use or need.

#15. Declutter your virtual environment.

Your virtual environment is just as important as your physical one. Do you have tons of unread emails or messages? Respond to them or delete them! All the little unread notifications are taking up more headspace than you might think.

#16. Limit screen time.

Some days, I wake up to my little screen (phone), log onto my medium screen (laptop) and then relax by looking at my big screen (tv). SO. MANY. SCREENS. Too much screen time has been linked to adverse effects on mental health, such as increases in anxiety and depression. Devote some time each day to be away from screens – trade your phone for a good book or a new hobby

#17. Journal.

Journals are fantastic self-care because they are a space for YOU and your thoughts. There are so many different ways you can decide to use your journal. You can doodle and make it your own little adult coloring book, write as little or as much as you want about your day, and jot down new ideas – the blank pages are yours and yours only.

#18. Practice gratitude.

Practicing gratitude daily is a simple but powerful way to improve your emotional health. When you have a bad day, a great way to dig yourself out of negativity is to practice gratitude. Take a moment to remember the good things you have and appreciate them.

#19. Allow yourself to feel every emotion.

Feeling both positive emotions and negative emotions is all part of the human experience! Suppressing sadness, pain, and hurt can often lead to those emotions getting stuck in your body. Listen to yourself, identify the emotion, and validate your experience. Sit with those emotions, no matter how painful, and know that they will pass.

#20. Incorporate positive self-talk and positive affirmations into your thinking.

The person we talk most to each day is… ourselves. And our inner monologues can often be harsh, unapologetic, and critical of ourselves! One of the best forms of emotional self-care is to trade these negative thoughts for positive ones. Be more mindful of when and how you might be self-critical, and in those moments, practice self-compassion. Practice daily positive affirmations to get into the habit of speaking more nicely to yourself.

#21. Practice mindful meditation.

Meditation is an incredibly powerful tool for alleviating stress and restoring your sense of calm. There are SO many mental and physical benefits of meditating – I won’t list them all, but here’s a fantastic Mayo Clinic article you can read.


social self-care

#22. Audit your social media accounts.

Be mindful of the content you’re consuming every day. Next time you’re on Instagram, Pinterest, or Tiktok, ask yourself this question: how do the pictures you’re seeing, blog posts you’re reading, and people you’re following make you feel? Unfollow accounts that don’t resonate with you anymore. Find new sources of inspiration.

#23. Find an online support group or community for your interests.

Do you have a new hobby that none of your friends or family are interested in? Find an online community for it! Not only will you be able to learn from different people who share your interest, but hopefully make new friends as well. This is one of the small ways you can fulfill your sense of belonging.

#24. Do an activity with a good friend.

Want to see a friend but don’t have the energy to chat for two hours over dinner after a long work week? That’s okay! Take the pressure off and choose an activity to do together each other. Dig up an old board game, go to the local library together to find good books, or throw a movie on. Sometimes just having someone’s presence is all you need to rejuvenate.

#25. Call someone you care about.

Whether it’s a family member or your long-distance best friend, give them a call. Connecting with people we love and care about is a simple way to nurture our social health.

#26. Leave your home and be in a public place.

This is for all you work-from-home folks! I’ve definitely had my fair share of cold and sad days, cooped up inside of my home, just staring at my laptop all day. If it’s been a few days and the only time you’ve stepped outside is to take your dog potty, plan some time to leave your home. It doesn’t have to take much time – go grab a cup of joe from your favorite coffee shop and be around people for a bit.

#27. Sign up for a workout or art class.

There are so many different activities that they now host classes for – yoga, pilates, barre, pottery, painting, dance, you name it! A local class is a great place to both meet people and try something new.

This post was about all the best self-care ideas.

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