The Ultimate Thailand Packing List for a Stress-Free Vacation

Getting ready for your big trip and worried about missing something on your Thailand packing list? This post is a list of all the essentials you’ll need for your trip to Thailand.

Thailand Packing List

First, I’m SO excited for you! Thailand is definitely in my top five favorite countries I’ve visited and I hope you’ll love it just as much. In the months leading up to our departure date, I did a LOT of research on what I needed to bring and probably went way overboard.

There were a few things that I packed “just-in-case” and ended up using daily. And inversely, there were things I thought I couldn’t live without that never made it out of my suitcase.

So, just for you, I put together a list of everything you’ll actually need for your trip to Thailand.

This post is all about what to put on your Thailand packing list.



Feeling icky or sick while traveling is not fun, especially if you aren’t familiar with the health resources of a different country. This section will cover everything you need to put on your Thailand packing list that will make sure you’re prepared to feel your best while there!

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Medicine to Pack for Thailand

For starters, here’s a link to a CDC resource that lists out all the different medications you may want to consider bringing on your trip abroad. This list is long, so for your benefit, you should make sure to pack at least the most common medications you might need while there.

Of course, if you do forget anything, you’ll probably be able to find it at a pharmacy in Thailand. But it’s better to over-prepare now and save yourself the headache of scrambling for medication when you’re not feeling well!  

Here are the medications I felt were the most important to bring (this is NOT medical advice, please consult your doctor before using any of these medications):

  • Pain reliever: I like to have these on hand for any headaches / stomach cramps
  • Motion sickness pills: Depending on where you are and what your itinerary looks like, you might be driving for a long time or on a boat! I took one of these before we went on a boat tour just in case.
  • Upset stomach and diarrhea pills: Ever heard of Bangkok belly, aka a fun way to say traveler’s diarrhea? Often traveling to new country with different climate and sanitary conditions will cause an upset stomach. Without going into details, we were definitely glad we brought these on the trip.
  • Any prescription medications: When packing prescription medications, make sure to have a copy or access to your prescription.

To pack your pills in a more efficient manner, grab a pill case! Highly recommend this one from Amazon – it comes in a pack of three and includes labels.

First Aid / Wellness Items for Thailand

In addition to medication, here are the items that were super helpful to have on hand for first aid.

  • Bandages: Pack an assortment of sizes, just in case!
  • Hand sanitizer: Best way to keep hygienic throughout your trip when you don’t somewhere to wash your hands
  • Hydration pills OR hydration packets: Quick fix to dehydration when you’re on the go
  • Re-usable Water Bottle: Tap water in Thailand isn’t potable, so you might yourself relying on single-use water bottles. By bringing your own bottle, you can buy a jug of water at the grocery store and fill it up everyday instead.
  • Tissues / Wet wipes: Have these on hand in case you encounter a restroom doesn’t have any.
  • Hydrocortisone cream: Great to soothe any itching (especially from bug bites!) and practically SAVED my leg after I got stung by a jellyfish in Krabi.
  • Bug Spray: There are SO many mosquitos in Thailand and I’m happy to say that I avoided them until the last day when I decided I would throw away my bug spray to save some space. Huge mistake – basically got five bites on my last day in Bangkok.
  • Bug Bite Zapper: This tool is a way to help relieve the itching from your bug bites and ACTUALLY works. It does sting a bit since it is high heat – but this helped prevent my friends and I from itching our bug bites once we got them!


I’m a big believer in packing light, especially when it comes to electronics because they can be heavy and expensive. So here’s a list of the essential electronics you need on your Thailand packing list.

  • Portable power bank: An absolute must if you’re planning to be out and about all day. The worst feeling is being lost in a new country with a dead phone.
  • Multi-cord charging cable: The BEST for cord organization! I hate having to keep track of all the different cords I need for my phone, watch, and headphones. 3-in-1 charger for USB-C, micro-USB, lighting cable here. 2 lighting cable and 1 apple watch charger here.
  • Universal adaptor and converter: Essential for making sure you’ll have access to any power outlet. Most hotels we visited had a universal plug, but definitely good to have just in case.
  • Headphones/Earbuds: Big fan of the Apple AirPod Pros since they’re noise cancelling for the plane but small and compact. Also like to bring a pair of wired earbuds just in case the wireless ones run out of battery.
  • Headphone splitter: Fun for watching a movie together with your friends on the plane!

This isn’t a “packing list” item per se, but you should figure out how you’ll access the internet on your phone while in Thailand. This could mean buying a pre-paid sim card or getting on the international plan with your carrier.


Cash, cash, cash. Giving this its own category because it’s so important. Bring Baht! Thailand is still very much a cash economy and you’ll probably use it for 75% of all transactions. Before leaving, you should order some Thai Baht at your closest bank. Banks at home will give you a much better exchange rate than money exchanges when you get to Thailand. Bring as much as you feel comfortable with – just know that if you do run out, the fees for cash withdrawal may be higher.


While Thailand is hot and humid year-round, locals tend to dress conservatively. You’re probably asking yourself – how do I stay cool but also dress appropriately? The biggest tip is to bring lightweight and light-colored clothing. To pack light, only bring tops and bottoms that can be easily mixed and matched. This will make it a LOT easier to pair outfits.

Hop over to this article for what to wear and the best outfit ideas for Thailand.

Here’s a quick view of the clothing essentials you should pack:

  • T-shirts
  • Tank tops / Bodysuits
  • Button-downs
  • Skirts
  • Pants
  • Shorts
  • Dresses / Jumpsuits
  • Scarf / Pashmina


When traveling to a hot destination, it’s a good idea to choose accessories that are simple and functional. Here are the top accessory items that you should including on your Thailand packing list.

  • Fanny pack: The BEST bag for traveling. By slinging it across your chest, you can have easy access to any essential item and keep a close eye on it to prevent pickpocketing. They’re perfect for carrying a phone, wallet, portable charger, and passports. Highly, highly recommend the Lululemon Belt Bag. It has a pocket on the back that’s perfect for keeping passports safe.
  • Small wallet/cardholder: Less is more in this instance. When traveling, you should only carry what you need. I like to have a small wallet to store one credit card and the cash I need for the day, keeping the rest in the hotel safe.  
  • Simple jewelry: This isn’t a necessity if you aren’t one to wear jewelry, but if you do decide to bring some, bring simpler pieces to wear everyday. The climate is hot and wearing heavy pieces will be uncomfortable and sweaty. I brought a necklace, a few rings and one pair of versatile earrings.


This section is a catch all for the things I didn’t know how to categorize but wanted to give a shoutout to. Definitely recommend adding to your Thailand packing list.

  • Snacks: Pack a few snacks that are easy to carry, like protein bars and nuts. When traveling to a new country, you won’t be completely sure of what your stomach will be able to handle. Having food you can rely on will be super helpful, whether if it’s to help an upset tummy or if you’re just hungry on the road.
  • Resealable plastic bags in different shapes and sizes: These have SO many different use cases and a time will come during your trip where you’ll want one. Examples: packing souvenirs, storing a wet swimsuit, keeping cash/phone dry when you go to the beach, and so many more. Just grab a few and throw them in your bag, you won’t regret it.
  • Packing vacuum bags: I found these on Amazon and WOW they made packing SO. MUCH. EASIER. You basically squeeze out all the air between your clothes, allowing you to pack more. I was able to pack all the clothes I needed for a 10 day trip in a carry-on and a backpack with these!

This post was all about the top essentials you need to put on your Thailand packing list.