50 Things to Do During a 5-Minute Break

Want to increase your productivity? Research says to take a 5-minute break. This article talks about why and how you should take a quick break!

5-minute break

For a long time, I used to sit at my desk and work for four or more hours without getting up. Working without breaks made the day pass so slow and I ALWAYS hit the afternoon slump, no matter what I did.

In search of productivity hacks, I stumbled upon the Pomodoro Method. Coined by Francesco Cirillo in the late 1980s, the Pomodoro Technique is a time management system designed around the idea of working intently for a set amount of time (traditionally a 25-minute interval) followed by a short, 5-minute break. After several intervals or “pomodoro sessions”, longer breaks are taken to truly rejuvenate and prepare for the next session. 

This time management method has boosted my productivity SO much because it’s taught me the transformative power of taking a short break. It’s easy to think that breaks are a waste of time and that we should just crank through our to-do lists, but this is actually untrue!

Taking a break, even if it’s just for a short time, is a great way to rejuvenate and can ultimately increase our productivity. 

Post You Might Like: How to Boost Productivity with the Pomodoro Technique

5-minute breaks are definitely short and in the beginning, I had no idea how to use my time except for scrolling on social media (big no-no). So below, I’ve created a post of all the productive things you can do during these breaks! 

This post is all about 5-minute breaks, their benefits, and things to do during these times. 


5-Minute breaks help increase your cognitive functioning.

In a new research study done by the University of Sydney, Associate Professor Paul Ginns One explored the impact of a 5-minute break on performance and attention. He gave a difficult mental mathematics test to a group of students and then divided them into three groups: the first continued to study (no rest), the second group of students watched a video of a nature scene for 5 minutes, and the third group had an unstructured rest break. They then were asked to take an attention survey and complete a 20-question problem-solving test. 

The study found that students who were given some kind of rest reported higher average levels of attention and also solved more problems than the no-rest group. Because work can take a lot of concentration and deplete cognitive resources, taking a simple five-minute rest break helps with mental restoration. 

Short physical breaks have huge long-term health benefits.

An experiment done by Keith Diaz focused on the impact of sitting for long periods of time on physical health. They tested different time intervals for exercise “snacks” and found that the optimal amount of movement was five minutes of walking every 30 minutes of sitting! These short breaks significantly lowered both blood sugar levels and blood pressure. It also led to huge decreases in fatigue and improvements in mood.

If you’re struggling with feeling sluggish at work, taking a short 5-minute walk is the cure. It will help with your energy levels and also lower your risk of heart disease and chronic illnesses!


So, what’s the best way to utilize this break time? While many turn to social media during these breaks, it’s been found that this might not be the best choice for refreshing our minds. In addition, it’s so easy to start doom-scrolling on social media and go wayyyy over the 5-minute mark.

Try doing a physical activity, learning a new skill, or even listening to a motivational song during your short five-minute break. Your break should be as contrasting from your work as possible, helping to reset and prepare your mind for the next session.

Here are some ideas for things you can do during a 5-minute break to help you rejuvenate and feel ready to dive back into your work!

5-minute break


1. Practice deep breathing exercises

2. Do a full-body stretch

3. Drink a glass of water

4. Step outside for fresh air

5. Eat a quick snack

6. Do an eye exercise to help with eye strain

7. Listen to your favorite song

8. Practice a quick meditation

9. Doodle/scribble on a piece of paper freely

10. Organize a small part of your workspace

11. Light a candle for aromatherapy

12. Use a tactile stress ball or fidget toy to engage your senses

13. Write down three things you’re thankful for

14. Daydream for a little and let your mind wander

15. Text a friend or family member

16. Brew and sip a cup of tea

17. Prop your legs up against a wall

18. Read a short article, poem, or quote

19. Tend to a plant

20. Look out the window

21. Do a quick set of bodyweight exercises

22. Write a quick to-do list to clear your mind

23. Visualize a goal or dream in detail

24. Speak or think positive affirmations

25. Throw laundry in the wash

26. Touchup your makeup

27. Wash your face

28. Braindump into a journal

29. Rub your temples and forehead

30. Change your workspace and move to a new spot in your area

31. Tune into your senses – what do you see, taste, smell, feel, and hear?

32. Add things to a bucket list

33. Practice eye palming and place your palms over closed eyes

34. Use a guided relaxation app like Calm or Headspace

35. Write goals for the week

36. Take a brisk walk and stroll around the room

37. Go outside and watch watch birds or clouds

38. Plan your next steps post-break

39. Adjust your sitting or standing posture

40. Hydrate your skin with some lotion

41. Rotate and stretch your wrists

42. Put away dishes

43. Spend time with your pet and give them some love

44. Do hand exercises by stretching and flexing your fingers

45. Give yourself a pep talk in the mirror 

46. Have a mini dance break

47. Add songs to a playlist

48. Take a mental vacation and imagine your favorite place

49. Sing your favorite song

50. Practice smiling to boost your mood

The idea of pausing and taking a break might seem counterintuitive, especially in a world that values relentless productivity. However, these short breaks can dramatically improve your overall performance, mental health, and physical well-being. Start incorporating 5-minute breaks into your daily routine and you’ll find yourself more energized, focused, and ready to tackle big tasks more effectively than ever! 

This post is all about 5-minute breaks.